Research & Communication


Setting Parameters & Goals: The RLC Agreement 

The Trainee-RLC agreement aims to assist you and your Research Mentor in discussing & documenting mutually agreed-upon goals and parameters. 

Information & Submission

You will get more information about the agreement in Induction. For summer you will submit the agreement in canvas. For the academic year, you will submit it via google form

is not the Scholar Agreement, which is an agreement between Trainees and EXITO. 

2023-2024 Academic Year CIMR Trainee RLC Agreement_Version 3_PDF.pdf

Professional Communication & Your RLC

Professional Communication is an important part of being a DREAM Trainee and will help you feel more comfortable with and get the most out of your research experience.

Tips and Suggestions

Research and Other Tips

Getting the most from your relationship with your mentor and RLC

What do you want to contribute to your RLC?

A relationship is a two-way street! What your mentors gain: 

How important is professional development in your RLC placement?

How important is networking in your RLC placement?