Unit 4

Rumbo al futuro

Statement of Inquiry: Successful creative writing requires a clear purpose and correct grammar.


(1) Communication: I can use different tools and processes to express myself clearly in multiple ways

(2) Creativity: I can create original works and ideas and/or use existing works and ideas in new ways

All skills activities


Writing: The title for this writing test is: “In thirty years time what will the world be like?’ The text-type is a magazine article. To be successful students should use the grammar and vocabulary taught in this unit, write a minimum 150 words, use features that are usual in magazines and link their content to the culture of a Spanish-speaking country such as Spain, Mexico, Colombia or Argentina.

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions: What are some new technologies in use in different countries? How are they used? What are commonly used emoji in different countries? How do people text in different countries? 

Conceptual Questions: How does culture have an impact on what new technologies are popular in different countries?

Debatable Questions: Will there ever be problem-free machine translation? How will communication change in the future?