Unit 1

Al ritmo de la música

Statement of Inquiry: Talking about music requires research and an understanding of relevant cultures


(1) Communication: I can use my intercultural understanding to interpret various forms of communication

(2) Communication: I can comfortably use technology/media to work efficiently, create authentic products, and communicate effectively with others.


Speaking Test: Students present to the class about a musician or musical genre. Success criteria: Include adjectives and opinions, Each student needs to say at least 5 sentences, Consider and mention cultural conventions.

Reading Test: Students take a Google-form test. Students read a music-related text about one of the following areas: traditional music, a current artist or a music festival in the present tense. Basing themselves on what they read in the text students answer comprehension questions and questions about cultural conventions and connecting the grammar.

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions: What are the most popular artistic expressions in the Spanish-speaking countries? Are there common musical genres between different countries? 

Conceptual Questions: Why is grammatical gender important? 

Debatable Questions: Why do people in different countries  like different genres of music? What do the artistic traditions of a place tell you about the people?