Individual Oral

Info about the Oral Exam from 2020 onwards

1. You enter the examination area and are given a choice of two pictures. The pictures will be related to two of the five themes studied: (1) Identities (2) Experiences (3) Human Ingenuity (4) Social Organisation and (5) How we share the planet. You choose one of the two pictures.

2. You are given fifteen minutes to prepare. You may make notes during the preparation time. You may not write out what you will say word for word then read it out. The notes are a MAXIMUM of ten bullet points, MAXIMUM of five words per bullet point. (15 minutes)

3. There are three parts to the recorded part of the test. 

(i) Your description of the picture, you must mention the theme of the picture (it will be written on it) and relate it to the culture of the Spanish-speaking country you think it is in. (1-2 minutes) 

(ii) Questions related to the picture and that theme. (3-4 minutes)

(iii) An additional theme (any of the remaining four themes) and talk about that interacting appropriately with the teacher-examiner. (3-4 minutes)

The recorded part of the test lasts for 8-10 minutes.

How to prepare a 2 min presentation in 15 mins