Blue and Green

Blue for water, and Green for plants. Blue and Green symbolize nature and origin. As a visiting student, I am new to Abu Dhabi and impressed by the lack of green and blue here not only due to the climate but also the modernization. Grass, trees, roses, and bubbles build a dynamic world, while the wing and the magic ring create a magic one. Here, viewers can calm down following the meditation sound of nature and bells. The hourglass symbolizes the passage of time and the city in the bubble symbolizes the fragility of modern cities. Viewers can also enter a new world through the shiny door.

Blue and Green.mp4

In order to present a better effect, I imported the model downloaded from Sketchfeb into unity for modification, and adjusted its texture. But encountered difficulties when exporting to Styly, unable to import. So I thought of another method, first export it as a glb file and then import it into Styly and it worked.