Week 2 Workshop: Spongebob's World 

This week’s workshop was very fun, yet challenging to make. I immediately thought of “Spongebob” when I saw that I was going to be creating my own “world”.The first scene I created was Spongebob’s house and his friends. I knew how I was going to make the houses, but actually making them and manipulating them was very challenging. I explored the “ProBuilder” package from Unity’s asset store, which helped me a lot to create the more complex shapes, but also did not solve my problem when it came to accurately represent the objects I want, instead, I had to compromise my vision to fit one of the offered shapes. Moreover, for this scene, I built it on a terrain that was divided into two parts, sand and “road”. Dealing with the terrain was also challenging, but I eventually reached the desired look. I also used patterns and textures I found online to accurately represent the houses and structures.As for the Jellyfish field scene, it was a bit easier to make since I had already trained on complex shapes from the scene before it, but, I did not completely get my desired result as the jellyfishes were hard to make, so I also had to compromise on how they looked. However, I really enjoyed creating the field, which was a terrain that I manipulated and added texture to reach the desired outcome. Moreover, I used some models from the “Low Poly Nature” Package to serve as plants and flowers similar to the ones in Spongebob.All in all, I enjoyed creating this, but I still have a long way to go to bring my vision to life. I would have wanted to create more “space” so that the user could walk in the scene and possibly later interact with the structures. I also want to learn more about manipulating shapes and how to get the exact desired object in Unity to make it look more realistic.

N.B: Both screenshots from my project are from what I was able to retrieve (after my file got replaced), or a brief re-creation of the original project.