Alalawi, Theyab

Week 1

I think VR falls somewhere in between an additive and an expressive form. It can be used to create experiences that are either additive or expressive, depending on the goals of the creator. One of Murray's four principle properties of digital environments is "spatial." VR can achieve this principle by allowing users to create virtual worlds and experiences. In contrast, VR can fail to achieve this principle by not allowing users to escape their world. For example, if you are stuck in a boring classroom, you might not be able to create an interesting experience because the environment around you limits you.

The other three principal properties of digital environments are "participatory," "procedural," and "encyclopedic." VR can achieve all these properties by creating an immersive experience that allows users to feel like they are in the virtual world. In contrast, VR can fail to achieve one or more of these properties by not allowing users to control their experience (for example, if you are stuck in a virtual reality game and cannot escape, the experience would be considered unsuccessful).

Overall, I think VR is an additive and expressive form. It can be used to create experiences that are both additive and expressive, but it can also be used to create experiences that are only additive. I think this is because VR is still in its early stages, and developers are still trying to figure out what works best for their particular games and applications. For example, some games might be more successful if they are purely additive (for example, a game that lets you move around a virtual world), while other games might be more successful if they are more expressive (for example, a game that lets you interact with the virtual world). It will be interesting to see how developers experiment with VR in the future and see which type of experiences they are most successful with.

In conclusion, VR falls between an additive and an expressive form. It can achieve some of the properties of digital environments but also fail to achieve others. For example, VR can achieve a sense of immersion but can also fail to provide a sense of interactivity. VR can provide a sense of agency, but it can also fail to provide a sense of presence.

Week 2

The essay explains how merging illusion and realism in immersive virtual settings might result in authentic behavior. The authors argue that place illusions occur when a person feels they are at a different location than they are. Plausibility is the extent to which a person considers a virtual world realistic. People are more inclined to react in a manner that aligns with their ideas about the context if these two characteristics are present.

According to the reading, it's possible that, when sufficiently immersed, individuals would react to VR as if it were the actual thing. The term for this is "response-as-if-real" (RAIR). The authors propose that plausibility (Psi), immersion, and place illusion (PI) play a role in RAIR. "immersion" describes how realistic it feels when talking about a virtual world. The term "place illusion" refers to the sensation of being immersed in a virtual setting while the user is aware that they are somewhere else. The ability to convince yourself that something is true despite your knowledge of the contrary is called plausibility.

If the virtual world is convincing and the events seem realistic, the authors argue, users will react to VR as if it were the actual thing. It should be noted that the scholars provide no proof for their assertion. It is only anecdotal evidence of how immersion and believability may inspire believable actions. An allegation of this kind requires more than anecdotal evidence. If the writers want us to trust them, they'll have to show us that RAIR may be triggered by immersing us in a plausible world.

The article discusses how virtual reality can affect memory and dreams. It argues that VR can highly improve memory due to the Ecological validity of VR simulations . It also suggests that VR can influence dreams, which is considered a memory consolidation side effect.

The findings from the reading suggest that VR has a strong influence on memory encoding, storage, and retrieval. VR can create bias and input variability that can improve or hinder learning. If VR strongly impacts memory, researchers and developers need to understand how memory works to create more effective VR experiences.

From what is stated in the reading, VR could significantly impact memory in terms of encoding and retrieval. VR could improve memory encoding because it is a more ecologically valid simulation. Also, it could provide better transferability of knowledge learned in VR due to cue dependency. Additionally, it is stated that VR could also influence dreams, which are considered a side effect of memory consolidation. If VR has these impacts, researchers and serious game developers must be aware of them to create more effective VR experiences.

Week 3

Augmented Reality AR provides real-time and live virtual elements primarily by utilizing cameras. Examples of ARs on smartphone camera ads are Pokémon GO. Game and even the lenses that are used in Snapchat. On the other hand, VR, Virtual Reality, means a complete shutdown of the real world. VR provides total blockage to the physical world. Both VR and AR offer potential excitement in the future of various fields such as gaming and commerce. VR and AR technologies bring many exciting experiences by combining the real and virtual worlds with more advanced 3-D visuals. There are four significant elements of Virtual Reality: Immersion, where we have fully immersive simulations, none immersive simulations, and semi-immersive simulations; virtual world; feedback from sensory; and interaction.

Environmental storytelling presented by the Scout Expedition Co. at the Immersive Design summit held in 2018 created the concept of The Nest. To elaborate on this concept, the Scout Expedition Co. gives a story of a woman with a pretty average life. The woman left a pile of tapes that shared her life story, more like a journal. The initial objective of the Scout Expedition Co. was to create the Nest, which would help make an immersive story just from the environment itself. This immersive experience from the climate brought together different elements of immersive theatre, narrative videogames, and escape rooms, which gave the listeners/ audience a new way to get actively engaged and be part of the narration.

Johanna Koljonen presents Introduction to Narrative Experience Design at the 2015 Alibis for Interaction. She reminds the audience that all are designers. And that people design or work on things considering the behavioral expectations, every day the particular culture and expected in a specific context. People design things in a certain way to get other humans to go to a clear place or do something in a particular way. In whatever art the designer has created, they may make the intended recipients or the consumers of their content into participants who will be actively involved in their art. Designers do this by giving their consumers Alibis for Interaction, a social dynamic that varies the intended outcome of any act, depending on the context and socio-culture of the designer's art.

Week 8

I stood out with the city of Diomira. Diomira is a city with beautiful, attractive and amazing features. The city has sixty silver domes, bronze statues of every god in which they believed in, lead-paved streets, a theater made of crystal, and a golden cock that crows every morning from a tower. The bronze statues of all the gods attract many visitors from all over the world to come and see the different types of gods. Tourists are able to know the number and the shape of every god that was worshipped. Through this, many visitors could know different types and the source of the worshipped gods. Streets paved with lead is another factor that makes Diomirs city attractive and memorable; the tidiness of the city and the kind of materials used to make the pavement in the streets attracted the majority of leaders around the globe to pay a visit to the city (Italo Calvin, pg. 7). Another aspect of the city that was drawing tourists was the presence of a golden cock that was positioned on a tower every morning.

Many people were eager to know and see the golden male chicken that the crew had every morning. Most visitors wanted to know if the bird was alive because it could crow like a cock that was alive, yet it was just a statue of a chicken. I was also excited and eager to know the technology used to control the bird, and what made the male chicken crew only in the mornings without failing. However, most of these beauties are not new things to many visitors; only visitors used to visit Diomira to see the version of the beauties present in the city. Every man who gets there on a September evenings was experiencing the unique quality if Diomira city. The multicolored bulbs at the entrances to the food stalls are suddenly ignited as the days become shorter (Italo Calvin, pg. 7). Ooh! Shouts a woman's voice from a terrace. Making the location more appealing is challenging. Diomira city reminds me of Kensington city in London. I visited the city three months ago. Towards the South, Kensington is home of the world's most famous and prestigious museums. This is where all features of various gods are also placed. The city also has a lovely collection of garden squares and elegant stucco walkways. Garden Square and elegant stucco paths are believed to be the most expensive paths in the world. This is because Kensington is well known as the center of kingship in London. The beauty and the clean pathways attract many visitors to use them, leaving them with a memory of desiring to live in the city to keep on using the paths. This shows how organized the city is.

Week 1 Workshop

Grass Field with Mountains

Week 2 Workshop

I created a seaside scene view in unity 3D which gives me a lot of experience about surfaces and planes. Seaside or beach scene incorporated many textures, brushes, 3D objects and materials. Seaside scene created with creating two terrains and then modifying it with brushes. The sand area surface little bit high on z-axis as compared to water surface. Adding the texture on the complete surface with sand texture and water texture gives the view seaside. Some surface which high gives the view of beach part. Seaside scene contains many 3D objects placed on the surface of raising part, which is sand area.

Created a sphere 3D object and scaling it to the size of football. Positioning the sphere on different areas of sand surface. Then creating the materials to fill up the sphere 3D objects with textures and colors in order to give football object realistic view. By simple drag and dropping the material on the sphere object fills up with the specific color.

Week 2 Workshop

Vehicle parking scene environment created by constructing a simple floor building structure. Creating a square 3D object and giving a slight tilt from one side and placing repeatedly over each other gives the view of 5 story building. Joining the five surfaces with the big square and poles placing in between the building floors. By creating, the color materials and filling up the floors walls with different material and texture and floor surface filling up with different color material and texture refine more insight of the building structure. Poles colored with yellow and grey mixture textures.

Car vehicle designed by joining the two cubes. One cube is larger and making the car top area and other cube is large enough to make the car body area. For wheels creating a 3D cylinder and scaling its dimensions enough so that it gives the shape of wheel when place inside the cube. By duplicating the cylinder and placing at the back of the cube creating the back wheels. To give textures and colors to different parts of car, creating the color materials and then drag and dropping on the objects color the car.

Week 3 Workshop

What I tried to do is to bring a fridge in my living room so that it could be used when my friend come over and we hang out as there is no fridge there.

What I found challenging is that I wasn't able to import the object with the exact look of it it came up in a white color and then I tried to look up in the internet for the problem it was said because of the light and as I adjusted the light it turned gray which is the color of the fridge but the problem the details aren't there.

What I found interesting is that you can actually try to make alot of interior design mock ups for your room or any space before actually implementing the stuff and wasting money and it might not look good.

I also tried using the first controller scene but it ended up in a failure and wasn't really working properly because when I was walking the wall didn't seem to move as if I'm actually walking in real life.

Week 3 Workshop

I also found interesting that everything was caught perfectly using the 360 camera which I used Google Street View but the door wasn't properly captured for some reason.

Week 4 Workshop

1. How well does it maintain their sense of enchantment?

I was overwhelmed with the experience of paper birds and national geography on how you have a sense of attraction and mesmerising how the scene was beautiful to watch and get into.

2. What types of immersive narrative structure and mechanics?

What made me immersive was when we had to do ice climbing it was very interesting and nice experience that many can't do in real life but would love to have a sense of experience on how its done.

3. Do the experiences use to tell their stories?

Definitely , throughout the usage of the VR every moment I have seen or did something it made me know and feel about what I'm doing and for what.

Week 4 WorkShop

So my design was inspired by Minecraft which I used to play when I was a kid. The game is basically made up of blocks and you can build houses and many things just by using blocks.

So I tried to get an animation 3d of minecraft player that is used in the game which is also made of blocks but wasn't able to create it and implement it into the scene as it would not make it be visible for some reason.

It would be interesting if it was created in VR as it would showcase an VR world of minecraft and give an environment of trees and grasses which may let players be immersed within it.

Week 6 Workshop

So for this workshop we should be using shaders to play around with. I have been trying to create a water. I tried using gradient and mixing for it so that it would work. It took a lot of time to get where I thought it looks decent and have it replicate a beach sea color.

Week 6 Workshop

For my second object it was the same which is water but here I tried to animate as if the water is moving as it's in the ocean with darker color scheme so that it reflects ocean color.

Week 10/12 Workshop

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