Midterm VR

Screen Recording 2022-11-08 at 3.28.31 AM.mov


Mine to be targeted at you

Bullet to shoot at mines and asteroids

VR Project

Project explanation

The Space game is a unique game design in VR by using unity and C#. The models and objects designed in by using unity assets and some basic geometrical shapes. Filled up with elegant textures and colors. Placing the camera and directional lights from multiple angles gives a responsive, robust and consistent game design. The major idea behind the game design is a space craft moving here and there is space. The space is filled up with dangerous asteroids and planet volcano. The space craft is loaded with a lot of arms to use up and has ability to fire. The objects available and moving in the space are 3D models. The space craft has to destroy the asteroids and planets which are coming towards the space craft. By touching any asteroid or planet will explode the space craft and game over.


For the implementation I use some unity assets and textures. In order to design the 3D models I use basic geometrical shapes connected with each other with different sizes and x, y and z values. Filling up the shapes with right texture results in an elegant 3D model. For the angles view I place camera at different angles and put directional lights which gives a broader view of the game surface. For game surface I used space background image which is flickering again and again giving a consistent game surface look. On the top of surface texture I put asteroids objects at random positions and planets objects at different positions with different angles. For controlling the movement is program the c# codes and track the movement of space craft and asteroids by using little math knowledge. I put play and exit button of the main menu screen in order to start the game and exit the game. I added little sound animations when space craft fires and when any collision occurs. The C# code scripts handles mouse hovering movements by simple if else conditions and handling keyboard keys in order perform the right action during game playing.

Problem faced

I faced the problem during controlling the movement of objects for example space craft, asteroids and planets. The movement is going on in all directions so I faced a little problem during coding the scripts in c#. One more problem that I faced during the development of the game is while adding camera and directional lights from different angles because the space surface that I built is very large I have to display the objects movement from all directions.

Interesting about project

The interesting thing about the project is we can control the space craft from outer or from inside the space craft. Simple key press controls open doors to use the space craft from inside. We can either roll the space craft to the left or right by using keyboard keys. These keyboard keys are programmatically controlled and transform the 3D model object movement in the specified direction with specified velocity which is calculated by using some mathematic formulas.

Future improvement

Further we add features in the game to land the space craft on different planets. We can add more objects in the space for example rockets, satellites and other 3D model objects.

Only Hope...

The VR is based on my imagination but does have some inspiration from an anime called Dragon Ball Z in which planet destruction occurs.

For my midterm project I'm trying to evoke the feeling of someone being in the space. Ideally I would expect the user to be first astonished by the atmosphere around him but then also know that earth is under danger and he is the only hope left for them. I'm going to implement most of the concept we have learned in unity regarding the features such as :

  • Trying to use the unity asset store for getting a space environment implemented in which a moon or earth could be handy for my midterm project as it's difficult to try and make a moon or earth model.

  • Implement a lightning feature in which when there is a different tone of light throughout where the user is having a walkthrough around space would give him a more immersive experience when looking at the space.

  • To add an animated object , the animated object would probably be the rocks that are floating in space and try to implement it so that the environment won't be a static non-moving environment which will not give a realistic experience for the user.

  • Implementing sound effects that is suitable the current situation in which it will start with a calm music to get the user engaged into viewing the space but then turning it into more aggressive as the situation becomes more intense.

Regarding the storyboard , I want the user to be a part of a mission in which he was sent so that he could destroy an asteroid that is going to hit earth and he is the hero on which the people are having hopes on. Unfortunately the user won't be able to handle this task and eventually the asteroid would wipe out earth completely. The sound at the beginning would be a calm music in which the hero is "expected" to get the job done but as the asteroid is moving closer to earth the tone of the music will change into a more aggressive music to foreshadow what will happen to earth.

Will be using planet earth asset from unity asset store :


Asteroid from unity asset store:


Mars from unity asset store:


Space Environment asset pack (I may use only this if I found everything that I actually need beside the mars environment) :



Hi Theyab, please revisit your idea and submit more specific storyboard until Thursday. A storyboard is a your visual depiction of the shot-by-shot progression of your plan for VR. Each shot is represented by a square with an artwork or photograph, sketch along with comments, characters, objects, etc.. describing what's happening in the scene and what is being stated in the screenplay at that time. Be specific and upload all your pictures and 3d models including prefabs, material, objects, references link, etc.. you are going to use. Check Pauline's midterm VR project page to see a sample.


Name: Pauline Wee

I like this! I agree that you might have to add more detail to the storyboard so we can understand it better, but you definitely have an awesome concept with cool ideas for audio and visuals! Can't wait to see what you come up with and play this game :)

Name : Cole comment: I think this could be a cool VR project. I have tried something similar at a space museum in the US where it simulates the space station which was a lot of fun. I think it will be a manageable project too as most your assets will be spheres with different materials to make the space objects

Name: Shaikha comment: i really like the idea your going for and the storyboard you've constructed, especially since there's an element of suspense involved. I think the unity asset store has so many useful packages that you can use. I especially like where your inspiration came from, and i'm really interested to know if your planning on adding characters or stylistic features from Dragon Ball Z.


I like how the user will be given a mission throughout the game. It reminds me of the National Geographic game we played in the Oculus headset where it also has a mission for the users to engage with. It might be helpful to reflect your experience as a player and then incorporate that into your work as a creator.

Meera :

I think the enviorment you're creating leaves a lot of room for creativity. This is a really intresting concept, gd luck i am excited to see the final product.


I like the concept and space theme in this project. I also think there's a lot of room for exploration and creativity using the asset store.


I really like the setting of this project in which the users are destined to fail the given mission. I also enjoy how the music will be used to indicate where the story will go. Wish there're more visual representation for us to imagine how the project would be visualized!


Sounds great, it will be an interactive game. You can think more about the user interfaces and interactions and include them in the storyboard.


I love Dragon Ball Z so I am really looking forward to the aesthetics of this one!


This sounds like a very promising idea, the use of VR to simulate the end-of-the-day scenario is something I always wanted to do, looking forward to see your final work!


It seems that you will create a scene about earth's furture doom, which is amazing! And the design of an impossible mission is also great.