AR Project

Little big

meera al mheiri

Scale art

The first thing I had to think about when coming up with a concept for the AR project was location. I kept feeling as though I could not think of an idea until I know exactly where my device will be placed. Otherwise, the aesthetic of my project would be ruined. Therefore, I started to consider concepts that were independent of location. I decided I wanted to do almost an art exhibition. That way I can defined the space rather than allowing the space to defined my work. Recently, I’ve been fascinated by the concept of scale art. I recently found out what scale art was and I thought it was fascinating because usually you see scale experimented in terms of children’s toys. In a park or playground you find statues of big ants where kids can slide and climb on. Then you see human toys like Barbies, the size of a child’s leg. So I wanted to bring the same playful manner of skill into the real world using AR. I thought it would be interesting to have random objects, scaled up or down and scattered around the room for the audience to explore. For example, there would be a huge apple in one corner and a baby whale placed on the table. That way, I am not limited to the models I would have to use for this project and the space would be free for me to use.