AR Project

As a visual arts student who graduated from highschool in 2020, our class never got to the chance to have an in-person exhibit showcasing our work. As a way of reclaiming this time and lost opportunity, i decided to revisit the works i made for my personal theme (circus/carnival) and create an AR exhibition that helps contextualize the different pieces and create an immersive experience that anyone can experience at anytime and any place.

i used photographs of the 7 artworks that were supposed be in the exhibition in this ar experience, along with assets from sketchfab and unity to create an individual identity for each work. i used unity to create the scene and animations, and then exported it to my styly account.

For the IM show, i plan on presenting this project through the QR code displayed here. This would be the most convenient way for users to experience the ar environment. The most challenging part of the project for me was figuring out the best software to use. initially, i was going to use