Weekly Workshop

Old town in Snow

Using some of the assets from the unity asset store, I was able to design a small town covered white mountains. The asset that I used to import the objects of the town is called "Flooding Town". Following this, I imported unity terrain package to paint and raise the terrain in the background. For me, I struggled with painting and designing the terrain. I would like the professor to explain how terrain textures and layers work as I wasn't able to mix two layers of terrain.

Hi Arsalan, Love it! This is so beautiful. It is sensational and cinematic, even in day light! but you can play more about lighting in your scene and create more ambience or darker snowing environment. You will learn how to use particle system to add fog or snow if you are interested in going to that direction. Well done!

Cube in the hallway

After watching some youtube videos and going through some of the basics of unity scripting, I was able to design this simple game. I know that the skybox does not look as great but I am trying to improve it and learn some of the other features of unity script to end the game even when the cube falls over the grid and to show a restart menu once the game ends. I am not sure if this is exactly what you asked for this week's workshop as I couldn't attend the last lab but I tried my best to achieve what was asked on brightspace. For this game, I used collision check to make the movement script stop as soon as the cube collides with the obstacle. For score I am using the distance traveled on z axis. Also, I changed the friction on the surface to 0 using the physics object. For the forward movement, I am using the fixedUpdate function by importing rigidbody as variable in my script and then applying addforce method of rigidbody. Same goes for sideway movement which is only happening when unity detects the key. Finally for displaying the score I created a canvas and then added a script to the text of canvas. Inside the script, I linked the main cube object to obtain its x y z vector and then simply equating the text to the Z position of the cube inside the Update function. My final idea to is to 3d scan an object or human and replace it with the cube and for the obstacle I am planning on putting a wall texture on them to make the game more realistic. Moreover, I might turn off the mesh renderer for the ground so that the it seems like the user is playing on the skybox as I don't know how to use skybox as ground in unity.


Hi Arslan! Can you please give me access to your project. I can't open it. Thanks

Hi Arsalan, I can't find your week 3 lab response. Did you post it any where else?

Hologram and Dissolve Shader Graphs

After watching some videos on youtube, I made the these two cool shader graphs.

P.S. Please download the video to view it. For some reason, it's not being displayed online.


Oliver: Would you like to provide the screen shot of the lightball's shader graph? It is so amazing that I want to make one for my project.