What do you do if you have a work-related injury or illness?

The most important things to do as soon as possible are to: 

-Verbally inform your supervisor immediately and complete a C-1 Form within 7 calendar days after the incident.

Your work site has a supply of C-1 Forms. You may also print a blank C-1 Form by clicking here.

Current Form Distribution: Original kept at work site and a copy given to the employee. Fax a copy to Worker's Compensation at 702-799-2995.


-If treatment is required, see a medical provider at any of the CCSD-approved FIRST-STOP CLINICS.  You do not need to make an appointment for your initial visit.

     Preferred Medical Clinics                

-A Worker's Compensation Triage Nurse hotline is available to assist you in obtaining the appropriate medical care, including filling your initial prescription. Dial (800) 453-1361 for assistance 24/7.


-For LIFE-THREATENING conditions, dial 911 or seek treatment at the nearest hospital emergency room.


WC Claim Process Map

For further information, contact the Worker's Compensation Unit at (702) 799-0060.
