Student Injuries

Student Accident Reporting Guidelines

Most Commonly Asked Questions Regarding Student Accidents

What do I do in the case of an animal bite? What if the bite is from a reptile?

If a student has been bitten by a warm-blooded animal, you must make sure you follow the standard procedures in the CCF-648 First Aid/Emergency Care Guidelines for Handling Accidents and Illnesses Occurring at School. This would include calling your local animal control office. They will advise you what procedures the school must do to secure the animal and they will do all necessary testing. Under no circumstances should a stray animal, found on campus, be released without contacting animal control even if no bites have been reported. In the case of a cold-blooded animal bite, please contact Risk Management immediately and take the appropriate steps outline in the CCF-648.

What should I do if a medication error is discovered?

Treat the child accordingly. If side effects are severe call 911 and Risk Management at 702-799-0048. Document the error according to the current procedures.

What should I do in the case of a bloodborne pathogen exposure?

 In the event of an exposure to a student, you must document the exposure in the system. Indicate all pertinent information. Call the parents of the students involved and explain the situation. Never give out names of other students. We do not pay for testing and we cannot force a parent to have their child tested. If you need any follow-up information or assistance regarding exposures, please call Health Services at 702-799-7443.

* Please refer any employee exposures to the appropriate Worker's Compensation Nurse Line 702-799-6877.

What do I do if a parent requests a copy of a student accident report?

Ask the parent to complete the Request for Student Health Office Information. Send the request form to Risk Management either by email to, school mail, or fax, 702-799-2995. We will process the request and mail the information to the parent. Please ask them to allow at least 48 hours to process the request.

Revised 07/09/20- Risk Management