CCSD Vehicle Accident

CCSD Vehicle Accident Procedures

All personnel who drive a district vehicle should review and become familiar with CCSD Regulation 3537 

The main things to remember are:

CCSD Police Department should be notified immediately whenever a district vehicle is involved in an accident – regardless of the location or the extent of damage. They can be reached at 702-799-5411. Risk Management will be notified by CCSD Police Dispatch but if you have additional questions or need to contact us from scene, the accident hotline is 702-799-6148. After business hours accidents should be reported to CCSD Police Dispatch and they will contact Risk Management if necessary.

This is necessary to assure that the claim is handled appropriately.

There should be a card in the glove box of each vehicle that gives the self-insurance information and Risk Management’s location and phone number. If you do not have an updated insurance card, please contact our office at 702-799-0048.