physical education

WELCOME to norton hill pe department

YEAR 7 activities

Invasion Games

Rugby, Football, Netball, Hockey, Basketball, Handball

Students will learn how to perform the basic skills, and apply tactics, in a range of activities, and how to apply these skills in competitive situations whilst under direct pressure from an opponent.

Net & Racket activities

Badminton, Volleyball, Tennis

Students will learn how to perform the basic skills, and apply tactics, in a these activities, and how these can then be applied into competitive situations to gain an advantage over an opponent.

GYMNASTICS activities

Floor Skills & Apparatus

Students will learn how to perform basic skills on the floor and on a range of apparatus, and how these skill can be linked to create small sequences.


Cricket, Rounders

Students will learn how to perform the basic skills in these activities, and how to apply these skills in small competitive situations.

Athletics activities

Track & Field

Students will learn how to perform the individual components of each track and field event, and how to apply these skills into a competitive performance.


Methods of Training & Fitness Testing

Students will be introduced to a variety of different training methods, and will also learn about the effects of exercise on the various body systems. They will also learn how to measure various aspects of their own personal fitness.

PE LESSONS in pictures.......

pe - the norton hill way

what our pupils think of pe

extra-curricular pe

In Year 7 our students are able to take advantage of a wide range of extra-curricular activities. We run after school practices for our sports teams on a Monday, with the rest of the week being occupied with competitive fixtures against other B&NES schools. Throughout the year we also enter various competitions at District, County and National level, and we also offer a more recreational program during the lunchtime period.

Students are also able to take part in a variety of House sporting competitions throughout the year, including our annual Aquathlon and Sports Day. There are often visits to Bath University for students to take part in talent days and other recreational events. Our students have also been given the opportunity to attend sports tours abroad in recent years to locations such as Spain and Holland, and visits to Twickenham and the Principality Stadium for international rugby continue to be a regular feature on the PE calendar.

trips and tours

sports leaders

Future Courses Currently Offered

gcse pe (KS4)

On this course students will cover a range of topics, including how the body systems adapts to exercise, sport psychology, physical training, and nutrition.

Assessment is in the form of two exams (60%) and practical sports performance (40%)


On this course students cover range of topics, including the musculoskeletal system, the cardio-respiratory system, energy systems, principles of training and the components of fitness.

Assessment is 40% exam and 60% controlled assessment. The controlled assessment is based around creating a training programme.


On this course students will cover a range of topics, including human lifespan development and skills for health and social care. They will also develop their ability to apply this knowledge to different health care settings.


On this course students will cover a range of topics, including the short and long term effects of exercise on the body systems, fitness testing, careers in sport, and practical sports performance.

Assessment is in the form of internally assessed coursework, and externally assessed exams.


On this course students will cover a range of topics, including applied anatomy and physiology, sport psychology, sport and society, biomechanical movement and the role of technology in sport.

Assessment is in the form of exam (70%), coursework (20%) and practical performance (10%).


On this course students will cover a range of topics including, advanced lifespan development, supporting individuals with different needs and psychological approaches to health care. Students will be encouraged to apply this learning to a vocational context to prepare them for further study or work in this sector.