ICT & computer Science

welcome to

it & computer science department


Intro to ICT Systems

When students arrive in Y7 they are unfamiliar with the school systems. The intention of the first few lessons will familiarise students with the school network as well as the other essential tools they will need for their electronic life at school and at home.

Google Suite

The intention of this unit is to help students develop norms of appropriate, responsible, and empowering technology use. Students will learn about eSafety and Cloud Applications.

Video Editing

This will be students' first experience of using a multimedia application. Students will learn how to create a multimedia video. The intention is to inspire students to think of a career in the media industry.

computer control

This unit is the first of the programming and problem solving strands. Students learn how to create basic control systems such as traffic lights, burglar alarms and homes of the future.

scratch blocks

In this unit pupils will be introduced to the Scratch programming environment and begin by reverse-engineering some existing games. The intention of this unit is to develop logical thinking and problem solving skills in a game development environment.

3d game design

The intention of this unit is to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of computer programming and games design via Kodu, a graphical development environment developed by Microsoft Games Lab.

sample lesson

example work

Example Lesson
Year 7 Work


CLUBS and activities

Our Monday night 'Creative Computing Club' is the place to go if you'd like to write your own program, design your own computer game or even make your own animation.

Each year during activities week, we run a 'Game Design Week' where students learn how to create a game of their choice using industry standard software.

Future Courses Currently Offered

GCSE Computer Science

Creative iMedia

Year 10-11


Year 12-13