
Individual Events

Acting - a student acts out a monologue from a play, serious or humorous.  Only a single chair may be used.

Length: up to 8 minutes memorized

After Dinner Speaking - a student writes and delivers a humorous speech intended for a particular audience.

Length: up to 5 minutes memorized with notes not to exceed 50 words on a notecard

Expository Address - a student writes and delivers an informative speech on a topic of interest.

Length: up to 6 minutes memorized with notes not to exceed 50 words on a notecard, can use visual aid

Improvisational Acting - a student draws characters and a situation and acts out a scene with limited preparation.

Length: up to 5 minutes - imagination needed

Literary Program - a combination of prose and poetry is presented on a theme.  Facial and vocal expression are key.

Length: up to 8 minutes with script

Original Oratory - a student writes and delivers a persuasive speech on a topic of interest. A lectern may be used.

Length: up to 8 minutes memorized and/or with script

Poetry/Prose - a student interprets works of either poetry or prose.  Interpretation and expression are essential.

Length: up to 6 minutes with script

Public Address - a student selects a speech originally delivered by another, communicating the intent of the author.

Length: up to 8 minutes memorized with notes not to exceed 50 words on a notecard

Radio News - a student prepares a news program with given news copy in 30 minutes.  A speaker system is used with the audience located in another room.

Length: between 4-5 minutes with script prepared in 30 min prep time before event

Review - a student writes and delivers a critical analysis of a book, movie, video game, or any other media.

Length: up to 8 minutes memorized and/or with script - can use visual aid

Solo Musical Theatre - a student performs one song from a musical using recorded music.  A single chair may be used.  Length: up to 5 minutes memorized

Spontaneous - a student draws a contemporary issue topic to speak about with 3 minutes of preparation.  Research is important in this category.

Length: up to 5 minutes

Storytelling - a student tells a children's story with facial and body expression.  A stool must be used.

Length: up to 5 minutes memorized