Lancer Productions Constitution

Thespian Pledge

I promise to uphold the aims and ideals of the International Thespian Society. I am a student of Theatre, and Excellence is my idea. I promise to perform my part as well as I can; to accept praise and criticism with grace; and to cooperate with my fellow Thespians and work for the good of the troupe; and to share my love of the Theatre.


“Act well thy part; there all honour lies.”

-Alexander Pope

Lancer Productions Constitution


The purpose of this group shall be to promote interest in the Fine Arts at North Scott High School through support and help in the production of onstage events, including: plays, musicals, radio station, broadcast communication, visiting artists, and other events approved by the sponsors.

Article I

The name of this organization shall be “Lancer Productions” (LP).

Article II

Membership is open to all students who meet the eligibility requirements of North Scott High School and are interested in the production of plays, musicals, visiting artists, etc.

Article III

Sponsors of this organization should include faculty members representing any of the following areas: Speech, Drama, Technical Director, the Drama Boosters, and any other faculty supervisor who is interested in the promotion of Fine Arts.

Article IV

Section 1

Members of the board shall include: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Parliamentarian, and two representatives of each class.

Section 2

All board members will be elected in open elections held at the last regular meeting preceding the awards banquet. The positions on the board will be open to qualified members who meet the specific requirements of the individual offices.

Section 3

Candidates for office will petition twenty (20) of all active Lancer Production members and two (2) faculty members (non-sponsors) for their nomination. Adjustments to this may be made prior to the issuing of the petition each Spring.

Section 4

The office of President shall be left to the discretion of the members of Lancer Productions. It will be open to any member of Lancer Production who is in good standing and is a Thespian.

Section 5

The office of Vice-President shall be open to any member of Lancer Productions who is in good academic standing and is a Thespian.

Section 6

The offices of Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Historian shall be open to any member of Lancer Productions who is in good academic standing and a Thespian.

Amendment 1

The position of Presidential Aide shall be added to the Board of Directors of Lancer Productions.

Amendment 10

The position of Advertising/ Public Relations Representative shall be added to the Board of Directors of Lancer Productions.

Section 7

All Senior, Junior, and Sophomore representatives will be elected at the Spring elections. Freshmen representatives will be voted on at the beginning of the year by their class. The standing Board of Directors and the sponsors must approve these elections.

Amendment 3

The position of Presidential Aide shall be application only. The new Board of Directors will vote on it in the Spring.

Section 8

Should the event occur in which an officer is unable to fulfill his/her duties or if his/her work in the duty is deemed unsatisfactory by the sponsors and by the majority of all voting members of Lancer Productions, the officer shall be removed from office and special election will be held to fill the vacant office.

Amendment 4

The result of four absences of any Board member not previously approved shall result in impeachment of that member.

Amendment 5

If an officer is impeached by amendment 4, a class representative may run for that position by regular parliamentary election which will be voted on by all Lancer Productions.

Amendment 6

If a class representative is impeached by amendment 4, or is left open by a board officer, any Lancer Productions member in good standing may run for that position by regular parliamentary election and will be voted on by all Lancer Productions members.

Article V

Section 1

The constitution shall be amended by an affirmative vote from two-thirds of the active members present.

Section 2

An active member is one who has PAID membership dues, attended two meetings, and has become a “Member In Good Standing” (MIGS) at the third meeting. This will be kept in a roster book kept by the secretary. Only members in good standing may vote in elections and The Judys.

Section 3

Proposals to amend the constitution may originate from members of the organization with the consultation of the sponsors and may be suggested to the standing constitution committee.

Section 4

At the first regular meeting of each year. the class representatives, along with the parliamentarian, will serve as the Constitution Committee for that school year.

Article VI

Section 1

There shall be one Lancer Production meeting per month with preference toward the second Tuesday each month. There will be a board meeting prior to these meetings. The Lancer Productions meetings will begin at 3:15 and will end when all the business is discussed.

Amendment 7

Revision to Article VI Section 1

There shall be approximately 1 LP meeting per month. It will be held at the time decided by the board.

Section 2

All meetings shall be conducted in Parliamentary fashion.

Article VII

Section 1

Membership dues shall be determined by the officers and sponsors at the first meeting.

Section 2

Any fund raising projects shall be approved by the majority of the voting members present at the meeting in conjunction with the approval of the administration.

Amendment 8

Revision to Article VII Section 2

Any fund raising projects shall be approved by the majority of the voting board members present at the board meeting in conjunction with the approval of the administration.

Section 3

The purpose of all fund raising projects shall be related to the promotion of Speech, Drama, and Debate events.

Section 4

All remaining funds shall be forwarded to the subsequent year.

Section 5

In the event that Lancer Productions is disbanded, all funds shall be relocated to the Speech and Drama Activities Fund.

Article VIII

The duties of the President shall be: the chair Lancer Productions, supervise all fundraising activities efforts, and to be an ex-official member of all committees.

Article IX

The duties of the vice-president shall be: keeping valid point sheets approved by the sponsors, coordinator of the committees, and organize the coordinate all social activities and fundraisers.

Article X

Section 1

The duties of the secretary shall be: recording, reporting and posting the minutes at each meeting, taking roll call, keeping a complete and current list of members with name, address, telephone number, and parents’ names, and seeing that all communications with others are presented properly.

Section 2

The duties of the treasurer shall be: to keep track of the financial records, collect all the money, and giving a written treasurer’s report at each meeting.

Section 3

The duties of the historian member shall be: collecting and organizing a visual record of Lancer Productions’ accomplishments through the use of pictures, videos, programs, etc.

Section 4

The duties of the Parliamentarian shall be to see that parliamentary procedure is carried out in the process of all the meetings. The parliamentarian has the authority to take disciplinary action against any members not willing to follow parliamentary procedure.

Section 5

The disciplinary action of the parliamentarian shall be as such: For the first two offenses a warning will be given, upon the third offense, the member will be dismissed from the meeting. In the event that two consecutive or three collective dismissals shall occur, the offender will be dismissed from Lancer Productions.

Amendment 2

The duties of the Presidential Aide shall be to attend Drama Booster and Countryside Board meetings when possible and make a report to the Lancer Productions Board of Directors. Also to assist the board in any decision making.

Amendment 9

The duties of the class representative shall be to meet with their respective classes and discuss board and LP doings. Also, they are to serve on the board of the constitution committee. Unexcused absences from these meetings will be disciplined as an absence toward the aforementioned revision to Article 4 Section 8.

Amendment 11

The duties of the Advertising/Public Relations Representative shall be to assist in the creation of all advertising and media, as well as communicate with business with advertising. The A/PR Rep shall also be head of the advertising committee and run those meetings. They are also to assist directors with any other needed tasks during productions.

Article XI

Section 1

Lancer Productions members are to conduct themselves in a respectful fashion at all times and in all places. This includes appropriate attitudes and actions towards themselves, other Lancer Productions members and facilities.

Section 2

Lancer Productions members shall be mindful of their actions and context of language so as not to hurt the reputation or Lancer Productions, which is bound by the rules and regulations of North Scott High School.

Section 3

Striking the set after the productions is required for all people directly involved in business or set construction. All members of the stage crew, booth crew, and actors must strike to get the points for that production. Extra points will be given to anyone else who would like to help strike.

Section 4

Failure to represent Lancer Productions properly will result in expulsion from the group.