North Scott
SpeeEch Team
North Scott Speech Team competes in theatre events with the Iowa High School Speech Association, or IHSSA.
We are a proud group of talented speakers, actors, musicians, and techies.
Speech Team has two seasons: Large Group and Individuals.
Watching Speech Contest
Common Questions to be the Best Audience
1. Are performance times exact?
No. Plan on arriving to your student's center at least 1/2 hour early. Most often, centers run ahead of time.
2. Is videotaping and photography allowed?
No videotaping or photography is permissible. In fact, it may disqualify the performing school.
3. Can local school logo (ie. a sweatshirt with school logo) be worn by spectators?
No. Refrain from all apparel that informs the judge of what school the participants are from.
4. Are students permitted to leave after they are finished performing?
ALL teams and students are encouraged to support other schools' performances. The big "team" is the whole "IHSSA Family."
5. What are the qualifications of the judges?
All IHSSA judges have gone through training and certification. Please accept your student's ratings with pride and dignity. Adhere to proper sportsmanship at all times.
6. How are ratings given?
At Districts, one judge critiques the performance with a I, II, III, or Disqualification IV rating. The judge also gives an oral critique. Only those receiving a I rating advance to State. At State, three judges critique the performance. No oral critique is given. Only those performances that receive at least two All-State nominations AND also are in the upper percentages of point ratings advance to AllState.
7. If I don't know where/when my student performs, what should I do?
DO make sure you DO know ahead of time from your local speech department your student's times and locations. Please do not rely on the contest site head office, as the contest managers are extremely busy. Students WILL know the schedule the week of the contest.
8. Can anyone come to contest?
Yes, all are invited. There is a $5 donation that is asked of all audience members at the main door for Districts and State.
9. May I watch any group perform?
Yes, and you are encouraged to watch students from other schools as well as other categories.
Want to know more about the IHSSA? Visit the website!