
The technology subject, a realm of innovation and limitless possibilities, thrived within the walls of our school. In the technology lab, students embarked on a journey of discovery, exploring the ever-evolving world of digital advancements. Guided by skilled instructors, they delved into the intricacies of coding, robotics, and multimedia design. From programming interactive websites to designing 3D models, students harnessed the power of technology to bring their creative visions to life. Through hands-on projects and collaborative problem-solving, they honed their analytical thinking and developed a deep understanding of the digital landscape. The technology subject not only equipped students with practical skills but also nurtured their curiosity and adaptability, preparing them to thrive in a rapidly changing world. In the technology lab, failures were seen as stepping stones to success, and perseverance became the catalyst for innovation. As the year unfolded, the yearbook celebrated the trailblazers of our school, showcasing their ingenuity, teamwork, and transformative ideas that pushed the boundaries of what was thought possible. The technology subject became a testament to the power of imagination and its ability to shape the future, forever capturing the spirit of innovation that thrived within our school community. 

Students in action in a technology extracurricular activity in Elementary. 

Website about UAE Culture 

Website about SDG - Good Health and Well Being

Pixel Art by Haneen & Dareen (Gr. 8)

Block Text Coding