Learning and Innovation

"Where Creativity, Collaboration, and Attention to Detail Thrive: Our Yearbook Learning Environment" 

How is it learning in an American Curriculum? 

In Dubai, United Arab Emirates, there is a K–12 institution called Nibras International School. The school offers a variety of academic programs for students in various age groups and follows the British curriculum.

At Nibras International School, the primary school curriculum focuses on building fundamental literacy and numeracy skills as well as knowledge in a variety of topics, such as science, history, geography, art, music, and physical education. In addition to academic studies, primary school students also participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, and field trips.

The secondary school curriculum at Nibras International School expands on the groundwork laid in primary school and gives students the chance to pursue a variety of subject specializations. Students can choose to study for American exams, which are internationally recognized. 

Innovation @ NIS

Innovation Day for kids is a special event where children can explore their creativity and imagination to come up with new and exciting ideas. They can work individually or in teams to develop innovative solutions to problems, create new inventions, or improve existing products. The event encourages kids to think outside the box, experiment with different approaches, and have fun while learning about innovation. Children can showcase their ideas through presentations, prototypes, or demonstrations, and celebrate their successes with their peers.

Elementary Performance Tasks


Nibras International School in Dubai stands out as a beacon of educational excellence and innovation.

 Its unique approach combines rigorous academics with a focus on holistic development, nurturing students to become well-rounded individuals. With state-of-the-art facilities, a diverse and inclusive community, and a commitment to fostering global citizenship, Nibras International School provides an immersive and culturally rich learning environment that prepares students to thrive in an interconnected world. 

Through its emphasis on personalized learning and cutting-edge technology integration, the school empowers students to explore their passions, develop critical thinking skills, and become lifelong learners, ensuring they are well-prepared to tackle the challenges of the future.