Thank you for being involved in NIHR’s Diversity and Inclusion Week

We’d like to personally thank everyone involved in the week, from our guest contributors to the people behind the scenes who made everything come together, and to those who took part in meaningful discussions across our different centres.

The incredible work undertaken this year is a step in the right direction, but we know that there is still much to do to become truly inclusive. Over the next few months, we will be launching a number of projects and activities aimed at embedding EDI in our systems, processes and culture. More importantly, we will be launching our EDI strategy that will bring several actions together to strategically address the key areas for intervention for the next five years.

We hope you enjoyed being part of our inaugural diversity and inclusion week and encourage your continued involvement on our EDI journey.

Lisa Cotterill - NIHR EDI Co-sponsor and NIHR Academy Chief Executive Officer

Lynn Kerridge - NIHR EDI Co-sponsor and NETSCC Chief Executive Officer

Recordings from webinars during the week

An introduction to equality, diversity and inclusion 

A scene setter...delivered by Roy Ward, Equality and Inclusion Project Officer for the CRNCC, this session explores what we mean by inclusion and considers ways we can all make the NIHR a more inclusive place to work

Equality, diversity and inclusion at NIHR: past, present & future

NIHR leaders shed light on the EDI work currently underway and our road map for the future. Revisit the webinar with:

The Social Model of Disability

If you missed it...

Dr Hannah Barham-Brown is a GP trainee in Yorkshire, Council Member of the British Medical Association, and Deputy Leader of the Women’s Equality Party. 

Hannah was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) when she was 27. She is a wheelchair-user and regularly engages in campaigning and public speaking on disability.

In this keynote, Hannah explores the social model of disability, which states that disability is primarily a form of institutional discrimination and social exclusion, rather than a product of physical difference between individuals.

Improving diversity across our entire remit

We are really pleased to share with you the first formal report on NIHR’s diversity data. 

This is a key part of our commitment to support diversity and inclusion and address some of the challenges in our systems, culture and processes.

This report gives us an initial baseline so that we can track progress of the EDI actions that are underway and are planned. Collecting year on year data will give us a more robust evidence base and empower us to take more effective action. All of which will form the basis for the continual development of our EDI strategy.

Under-served Communities - find out more 

From the under-served communities project leads


Find out more about the programme from the Under-served Communities Project Leads.

Take part in our survey

Take part in a survey to share your views on who you feel is under-served, what factors lead to being under-served and what changes have been seen to promote inclusivity in research participation. 

The survey is simple, anonymous and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. 

Your responses will be shared with the UK research community and used to promote the inclusion of under-served populations in research.

Explore the Research Targeting Tool

Cameos from across NIHR - Hear from your colleagues 

What inclusion means to us... What do you think?

Hopes, fears and ideas for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in NIHR... colleagues share their thoughts

Read about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion across the NIHR

My NIHR CRN internship experience 

Uche Agwuh - Intern | NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN)
28 June to 17 Sept 2021

My time with NIHR CRN has given me more real-world experience on a career path I have grown to appreciate and love, exposing me to the enormous possibilities that await within and beyond the programme

My experience at the NIHR - Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre

Shukrat Salisu-Olatunji - Intern | NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN)

28 June to 17 Sept 2021

I commend the HDR UK, the Alliance organisations and the NIHR CRN for ‘walking the talk’ and actively contributing to increasing diverse ethnic representation in health data science and research through this unique internship programme. I sincerely hope there will be more of this going forward

Can the NIHR achieve true racial equity?
Published: 28/10/2021 | Read Time: 5 minutes

Dr Esther Mukuka, NIHR Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, states that both policy and actions are crucial in improving diversity and inclusion in research, and reveals what NIHR is doing to break down structural barriers. Her blog marks Black History Month.

NIHR recruits research organisations to promote race equality in health research
Published: 09/08/2021 | Read Time: 5 minutes

Organisations delivering health research in higher education, local government, the NHS, the private sector and voluntary sector will take part in a three-month reflective assessment of their delivery of race equality in health research led by the NIHR.

EDI and the Urgent Public Health response

An overview of the processes involved in collecting and monitoring participant ethnicity data to support the Urgent Public Health response and share learnings from the analysis of the data. 

Delivered by
Dr's Rabiya Majeed-Ariss (Equality and Inclusion Project Officer, CRNCC),
Vanessa Poustie (Assistant Cluster Lead, CRNCC)
James Williamson (Research delivery Lead, CRNCC).

Useful links and resources

AMRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Resource Hub

Equality Act (2010) , Equality and Human Rights Commission

Inclusive language: words to use and avoid when writing about disability (Gov.UK) 

PPI Resources