My NIHR CRN internship experience

Uche Agwuh - Intern | NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN)
28 June to 17 Sept 2021

"My time with NIHR CRN has given me more real-world experience on a career path I have grown to appreciate and love, exposing me to the enormous possibilities that await within and beyond the programme."

After I received the link to apply for the HDR UK Black Internship Programme, I read through the requirements several times and the more I read it, the more I was convinced this was something I wanted to do. 

I have always had an interest in healthcare and also had some previous work experience in the sector. But what really intrigued me about the programme was the data aspect and how data in healthcare is a burgeoning field and becoming increasingly important.

My NIHR CRN internship experience

I must say I found the culture at NIHR very interesting and unique. One where you are free to speak your mind, ask as many questions as you want and of genuine concern from your team members. It felt like a family. If there was anything you didn't understand there was always someone to talk to, or request a meeting with. 

While involved with the HDR UK technical team challenge, I was able to build on my teamwork and collaboration skills even further and I picked up some data analysis skills working on the group project. It was a challenging experience due to Covid. We all had to work virtually but that was also the beauty of it. This allowed us to learn and evolve.

Working with the Business Intelligence team has given me a clearer understanding of the various processes involved in conducting health research and a new appreciation for how data is collected, processed and used to improve patient care. 

I was really intrigued when I learned that data analysed by the team during the Covid pandemic has been used by Number 10. I also learned about the different tools used in the data analysis process, such as QlikView, SQL, Google Sheets, etc and it was opportune to get first-hand experience with the BI team. 

The type of support received from the team was nothing short of perfection. You will never find yourself wanting or lacking anything and I would like to use this opportunity to say a big thank you to Stephen Lock, my team lead, Shamaila Anwar, my go-to for anything, and my fellow intern Shukrat Salisu-Olatunji for making the experience very memorable. Even in the midst of working hard, the BI team still finds time to have some fun in ‘The Music Room’, where we get to know our colleagues better by their music choice.


My time with NIHR CRN has given me more real-world experience on a career path I have grown to appreciate and love, exposing me to the enormous possibilities that await within and beyond the programme. 

I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with brilliant team members in the field and forge new connections with other interns that will last beyond the programme. This internship has reinvigorated my confidence in my abilities and provided me with a new toolbox of skills for the future