HI 322: The Rise of Modern Science

Welcome to Dr. Kimler’s class on the history of modern science.

Attendance at lectures is essential. You are responsible for the material covered in class, the expanded coverage of those issues in the texts, and the material outlined on this course website.

These website Outlines will provide you with a guide to major innovations or events and people and concepts, arranged roughly in a chronology. Class lecture and discussion will mostly follow the chronological sequence of the Outlines.

The Outlines refer to images and examples used in class. Short supplemental explanations and examples that are linked from the Outlines are required reading.

This is a site for your convenience.

If you are not registered for HI 322 at NC State University,

please do not download images or texts.

Texts © William C. Kimler, 2022.

Neither you nor I own the copyright to these images.

They are provided for educational purposes only, under fair use rules of copyright.

Timeline overview of cultural and intellectual developments, 12th - 17 th centuries

Outline #1 : The Setting for the “Scientific Revolution” of the 17th Century

Outline #2 : Astronomy, New Philosophy, and Galileo

Outline #3 : New Philosophy — Method & Research & Public Interest

Outline #4 : Newton and the Mechanical Philosophy

Outline #5: Appeal & Spread of Newtonian Science in the 18th Century

Outline #6: Scientific Naturalism: The Spread of Newtonian Standards of Science

Outline #7: The 19th Century Success of Physical Science

Outline #8: New Sciences: Creation of the Discipline of Geology

Outline #9: Darwinian Evolution

Outline #10: The Social Appeal of the World of Science