OAI Install

Installing EPC:


One ethernet connection to internet

One ethernet connection to eNB machine. EPC must have IP:

Virtual Machine Settings:

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.3

Processor: 4 CPUs



Adapter 1(enp3s0): Bridged Adapter, (whatever connection is going to the internet)

Adapter 4(enp10s0): Bridged Adapter, (whatever connection is going to the eNB machine)

In the network settings within the VM, set IP of the wired connection corresponding to the eNB to

All of the following instructions refer to the Guest OS:

Specify FQDN

The text should read the following:

Install git and clone OAI CN Repos

Install Cassandra

Make the following modifications to openair-cn/build/tools/build_helper.cassandra:

Replace: $SUDO $INSTALLER install $OPTION curl oracle-java8-installer

With: $SUDO $INSTALLER install $OPTION curl openjdk-8-jre

Replace: curl https://www.apache.org/dist/cassandra/KEYS | $SUDO apt-key add -

With: curl https://downloads.apache.org/cassandra/KEYS | $SUDO apt-key add -

Stop Cassandra and Prepare for Configuration

Configure and Restart Cassandra

Open /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml.

Change the cluster name to “HSS Cluster”

Ensure seeds = “”

Ensure listen_address = localhost

Ensure rpc_address = localhost

Change endpoint_snitch = GossipingPropertyFileSnitch

Build and Install HSS

Add Users


Build and Install MME

Install FMT Library

Install SPGW

Get Certificates

Copy Configuration Files

Set up interfaces for SPGW & MME

Install spdlog

Configuration Files

This is the link to the config files that have run successfully.


Running EPC:

In 4 different terminal windows, run the following commands:

Installing eNB:


One ethernet connection to internet

One ethernet connection to EPC machine. eNB must have IP:

We currently recommend running the OAI eNB on bare metal due to complications with use in a virtual machine.

Clone OAI Repo

Select Branch

Build OAI

If you already have a UHD version installed, you will build OAI and link it to the installed UHD version

If you do not have a UHD version installed, you will need to build a UHD version supplied by OAI

Modify Config Files

You will want to modify the config file associated with the profile you wish to run. In this case we will use enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.usrpb210.conf

Make the following changes, using the interface details that is connected to the EPC:

mnc=92 mnc=93

downlink_frequency = 2680000000L; downlink_frequency = 2685000000L;

mme_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = "CI_MME_IP_ADDR"; mme_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = "";


ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U = "eth0"; ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U = "[interface name]";



If using a network (N or X-series) USRP, add the following line as shown, adding information specific to hardware being used:

max_rxgain = 125;

eNB_instances = [0];

+ sdr_addrs = "type=[x300 or n300],addr=[ip of radio]";


If both the EPC and eNB are running properly, you should see the MME on the EPC system acknowledge the connection to the eNB.

[Pictures to come]