Matlab (SDRs)

Matlab Experiments

Presentation for Matlab Simulations Using USRP: Presentation Slides

Link for all the demo videos, scripts and documents for all the experiments can be found in the page below.

1. Frequency Offset Calibration Using USRP Hardware

Description: This example measures and calibrates the frequency offset at the receiver when a 100 Hz sine wave is sent from USRP transmitter to the USRP receiver. The offset value obtained at the receiver should be added in the script which thus compensates for the frequency offset.

The document for the detailed steps are attached.

Click on the link for the Matlab scripts and for the Demo Video.

2. QPSK Transmitter and Receiver Using USRP Hardware

Description: QPSK USRP transmitter sends out messages which are to be received by QPSK USRP receiver without any offset or delay. The QPSK transmitter generates messages using ASCII characters, it then converts the characters into bits and prepends a Barker code for receiver frame synchronization. This data is then modulated using QPSK and filtered with a square root raised cosine filter. The filtered QPSK symbols can be transmitted over the air using the SDRu transmitter System object and the USRP hardware. The transmitter keeps sending ‘Hello World’ messages which are centered at 915MHz frequency which can be observed at the receiver output.

The document for the detailed steps are attached.

Click on the link for the Matlab scripts and Demo Video.

3. LTE MIMO Using USRP Hardware

Description: USRP transmitter uses two channels of the radio to transmit signals. Random bits are inserted into SIB1 field, first block of System Information Blocks. This signal is received by the USRP receiver with the help of two antennas, it then recovers the data (SIB1 field) and checks for the CRC.

The document for the detailed steps are attached.

Click on the link for the Matlab scripts and for the Demo Video.

4. FM Receiver Using USRP Hardware

Description: This example implements a FM radio receiver using USRP. The frequency needs to be set to a frequency channel and when the script is run, the channel can be heard in the background.

The document for the detailed steps are attached.

Click on the link for the Matlab scripts and for the Demo Video.

5. IEEE 802.11 WLAN - OFDM Beacon Receiving Using USRP Hardware

Description: A WLAN receiver is implemented in Matlab using USRP which is able to recover the 802.11 OFDM non-HT beacon frames transmitted over the air from commercial 802.11 hardware. This example assumes that an Access point is within range and transmits OFDM beacons in the desired channel.

The document for the detailed steps are attached.

Click on the link for the Matlab scripts and for the Demo Video.

6. FRS Full Duplex Transceiver Using USRP Hardware

Description: The example demonstrates a full duplex communication between two USRPs acting as transceivers which is done by transmitting and receiving a recorded audio signal simultaneously.

The document for the detailed steps are attached.

Click on the link for the Matlab scripts and for the Demo Video.