ADS-B Microservice

This microservice is only available in the Testbed

The ADS-B microservice is a tool used to monitor current flights in the area that may interfere with experiments running in the testbed.

ADS-B is an FAA-regulated surveillance broadcast that is mandatory for most controlled airspace. More information can be found here.

The actual monitoring service ( is constantly running on the LW-1 service computer, checking for flights that will/are entering a filter around the testbed. The filter is set to a 5km radius around the testbed and a 500m altitude limit (in AGL). This monitoring service will send warnings and alerts to a Kafka server for any experiments to access. Any experiments running on the testbed will automatically subscribe to messages from the Kafka server, and print them to the OEO Console so operators can be notified of any flights. 

There are three types of messages that will be displayed on the OEO Console:

Messages will contain the following information: