Vehicle Camera Tracking

This feature is only available to operators in the Testbed

The Vehicle Camera Tracking service is a tool used to record experiments in the Testbed. The service uses a camera installed at LW1 to track and record vehicles.

The actual tracking software (CameraDistance) is constantly running in LW1S, checking for vehicle mavproxy streams.

OEO Console

The commands needed for this service are rewritten below for reference:

In order to start tracking a vehicle, the track_camera command needs to be run to tell the camera which vehicle to record and when to start/stop recording. 

Once the experiment has been run, the list_recordings command can be run to list all recordings that can be downloaded. The recording file names will contain timestamps to help with identification. An example output is shown below:


0: 20240407_195838_3B39_B8A44F6DAF66.mkv

1: 20240408_145208_99A5_B8A44F6DAF66.mkv

To download the 1st recording, run the command <node_id> download_recording 0. This will download the 1st recording (with index 0), to the Results folder in the E-VM of the node_id that was given. Once the recording has finished downloading, the following message will be displayed in the OEO Console:

[<node_id>]-[INFO] Successfully transferred recording


Developer Information

There are 5 processes that are involved in Drone Tracking Microservice:

The CameraDistance container (which is the process directly controlling the camera) takes a mavproxy stream to get vehicle location data. To facilitate this, an additional mavproxy stream is routed from each C-VM to the OEO-Server on port 15550+{node_id}.

The following sequence diagrams show the flow of the system for different use cases: