OEO Message Passing

OEO Console Messaging

The OEO provides a method for user scripts running in an experiment node to pass messages to the OEO Console that will be displayed for an operator (or experimenter) to see. This service is accessible at

To post a message to the OEO Console, use an HTTP POST:

curl -X POST

The severity can be one of:

The message to be posted to the OEO Console should be a utf-8 message that has been converted to URL-safe base64 (+ becomes -, / becomes _, =s are truncated). This method of encoding was chosen to avoid limitations provided by URL encoding, while also allowing for easy conversion (natively supported by most scripting languages).

Some tools for converting to base64:

NOTE: the OEO Console is used by operators to monitor the state of experiments. Many messages of various priorities are sent to the console with the expectation that an operator has a reasonable amount of time to read all of them. Please do not post a large number of messages to the console in a short period of time, and make sure to use a reasonable severity to aid in message filtering during debugging.

Python Example

An example of posting a message to the OEO Console from a Python user script is below:

import requests

import base64

def post_message(severity: str, message: str):

    if severity not in ["INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"]:

        raise Exception("severity provided not supported")

    message_encoded = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(message.encode('utf-8'))


post_message("INFO", "hi from an experimenter script!")