2.9) Contributing to AERPAW Development

Section 4 of this user manual provides various sample experiments (radio, vehicle, and traffic generation) that are provided as templates to AERPAW's users. New sample experiments will be added to Section 4 in the future as the AERPAW team integrates new capabilities to the platform.

AERPAW platform users can also contribute sample SDR experiment software to the platform if such software satisfies AERPAW platform's requirements. The provided software, if approved by the AERPAW team, will then be made available to AERPAW's users through this user manual with proper reference to contributors (and their relevant publication(s), if any). Such software should be well documented for future execution by AERPAW's user base (see here as an example), and should be tested both in AERPAW's development and testbed environments. Interested users can contact the AERPAW team at aerpaw-contact@ncsu.edu along with a description of the proposed experiment.