My Teaching Philosophy

Please know that I will do my very best to provide a rich learning opportunity for all students.

To the best of my ability, I will give them what they need as diverse and unique students but, if your student has struggled in the past, or there are home issues that are causing stress in their life, I will have a much more challenging time.

"Education" is more than time in a classroom, it is an attitude, a way of experiencing at the world.

This 12 minute video is a good place to begin if you are looking to understand my teaching philosophy.

I strive to prepare students for what they will be learning and experiencing in middle school but also to see ahead to what their lives and learning may be like in the not so distant future.

My inspiration!

Sugata Mitra is a Professor of Educational Technology at Newcastle University in England. He is an innovator who seeks to revolutionize learning and classrooms. His ideas of how we will be learning in the future have changed the way I approach teaching.

Students will do better if parents provide;

  • A quiet, non-cluttered place for your child to work. Show your student that you value their time for homework or reading.
    • If you cannot, remember that the classroom is open everyday from 2:30 - 3:30 (Fridays from 12:00 - 3:00) for students to work.
  • A healthy breakfast.
    • If you cannot, please contact the school office and complete the forms for our free meal options.

Encourage a positive and supportive learning attitude.

  • Model learning as a positive and enjoyable experience. Please read with your child everyday, even for a few moments to show that you value reading and their education. Telling students that school is important is not enough, show them! Reading will help students in every area of the curriculum.
    • If you cannot read with your child, listen to them read to you. While you cook, clean, garden or drive, have your child read aloud and then discuss what they have read.
  • Model good citizenship. Remember that some of the things they see on T.V. or from people they come in contact with, will make an impression on a child. Do what you can to ensure that the impressions left are positive ones.
  • Be aware of what your child is doing online, with their friends and when they are not with you.

I am am available to help parents too! If you want to help your child but don't get "new math", please feel free to come by!

My Teaching Philosophy

My philosophy of teaching evolved from nearly 20 years of teaching experience. As I reflect on my beliefs regarding teaching and learning, I find that my mission as a teacher has several aspects:

  • To promote positive learning opportunities in a safe environment
  • To spark student enthusiasm for learning with creative, current methods and utilizing technology when possible.
  • To provide a strong foundation and desire for lifelong learning
  • To encourage and support students as they become self-directed in their learning goals
  • To prepare students for the various teaching styles and expectations of middle school

To accomplish this, I enjoy applying a wide variety of strategies based on essential educational principles encompassing cognitive functioning, learning theory, diversity issues, instructional planning, current technology and assessment.

Considering the cognitive functioning of learners is essential in order to implement and apply strategies that are appropriate for either concrete operational and/or formal operational learners. I routinely plan activities, such as brief writings, that can help me determine the cognitive levels of my students and tailor my instruction accordingly. Without this consideration, I would risk the possibility of my students experiencing ‘hit or miss’ learning.

I have spent many years in the classroom at various grade levels. During this time I have learned a number of practices that have proven useful in inspiring creative and enthusiastic learning. Behavioral theory offers a wealth of principles that, when used appropriately, can benefit classroom learning and management at all levels. In concert with this, cognitive learning principles offer significant contributions from the state-of-the-art neurosciences, particularly in brain-based research regarding memory systems and active processing of intellectual operations. Some of my favorites that are well received by students include: Read-Aloud of classic novels with interactive lectures and writings, development of independent digital portfolios to create personal reference materials, blogging, interactive learning games, and promotion of self directed study.

Understanding both the learning style of individual learners and the cultural diversity of the class/group helps me both design and tailor effective instruction by implementing appropriate global and/or concrete strategies. Although a variety of learning styles are likely represented by learners in any large class/group setting, I routinely design my instruction using the research-based learning cycle; this cycle provides the framework for me to encompass a repertoire of effective strategies, which can both accommodate individual preferences, engage diverse learners, and help establish a respect for differing preferences and perspectives.

An essential consideration for teachers pertains to overall curriculum and instructional planning. I utilize many different teaching theories to best adapt to students’ needs, John Dewey (1859-1952) theorized that learning should be student-centered and experiential. I work to use this teaching theory as often as possible in the classroom. Still, whether the instructional approach is based on a behavioral model (direct instruction, mastery learning), a cognitive model (exposition/presentation), or a constructivist model (inquiry-based/Socratic methods, cooperative learning), I plan and implement lessons that clearly identify the lesson objective, anticipatory set, strategies for effective student engagement, and assessment options to measure student mastery. This helps me teach with both clarity and focus.

I strongly believe that one can employ numerous options to accurately assess understanding of course content among diverse groups of learners. To this end, I have developed (and continually use!) a firm foundation in assessment basics, from alternative types of assessment (rubrics, checklists, projects, portfolios, performance/diagnostic checks, presentations, etc.) to traditional exams/test construction.

Following these basic principles helped me grow in my love for teaching and learning. More importantly, I have discovered that, by sharing my ‘passion’ for teaching and learning, and using these principles with enthusiasm and empathy connects with learners. As a result, teaching with clarity, passion, empathy, and sincere enthusiasm, effectively impacts learners, ultimately connecting them to their ‘passion’ and lifelong learning.