Role of the Field School Instructor

The Field School Instructor:

  • designs the field school course, program and method of assessment;
  • acts as the field school guide and leader by travelling with and leading the field school group;
  • oversees and delivers the academic instruction and academic evaluation for the field school;
  • is the main contact for participants when in the field and is the key liaison between the group and Mount Royal University and with other key stakeholders;
  • troubleshoots and acts on behalf of the group in the field, making necessary adjustments, arrangements, etc. as needed;
  • has the authority to develop and enforce field school-specific rules and guidelines to ensure the success, safety and well being of the field school group and individual participants; and
  • ensures that all aspects of the field school meet Mount Royal University's policies, guidelines and standards.
Field School Instructor Dr. Samanti Kulatilake with participants from the 2018 Bio-Cultural Anthropology Field School in Sri Lanka