Accommodation and Lodging

Field School Accommodations and Lodging

The type of accommodation will vary by field school and location and may include:

  • home rentals;
  • student residences;
  • hostels;
  • hotels/motels;
  • guest houses;
  • homestays; and/or
  • camping.

Field school participants should be aware that accommodations abroad may be of differing standards and may not be comparable to Canadian housing and accommodations.

Field school accommodation is almost always double or triple occupancy.

When booking accommodation, all reasonable and possible precautions will be taken to ensure that the accommodations are safe and suitable for the field school programming needs while being budget friendly.

Field school participants will be made aware of the type of accommodation that will be used and will be provided the specific details and contact information for the various booking made by the Field School Instructor. Participants must abide by the regulations of the various accommodations and will be required to pay for any damages and/or services used that are not part of the program budget and bookings.

Field school participants are required to stay with the group in the set accommodations. Participants with personal needs or concerns pertaining to housing accommodations should speak with the Field School Instructor or Coordinator as soon as possible. Additional costs for any special arrangements considered will be the responsibility of the requesting student.