Budget and Fees

Program Budget

A field school budget is developed by the Field School Instructor along with the Field School Coordinator for each individual field school.

The budget projects the costs of setting up and running the field school and is based on a minimum number of participants. The minimum number of participants must be recruited by the recruitment deadline in order for the field school budget to balance and allow for the program to move forward.

Participation Costs

The cost of participating in a field school is specific to each individual field school.

Program costs will be communicated to interested students at the time of advertising the field school opportunity and will be outlined online at www.mtroyal.ca/fieldschools.

Participants should be aware that there are three categories of costs associated with each field school:

  1. Field School Program Fees - a set program fee that is paid to Mount Royal in installments to cover costs of participating in the field school.
  2. MRU Tuition and General Fees - Mount Royal University tuition and general fees for each of the courses completed on the field school.
  3. Additional Student Expenses - Costs that each participant can anticipate paying out of pocket in preparation for or during the field school.

Participants must be ready to meet the financial commitment of the field school for each of these categories.

Additional information is available on the following pages.