Senior Exhibition Night

Senior Exhibition Night

Students are required to attend Senior Exhibition Night. Students will receive two grades for Senior Exhibition Night: 1. Attendance and 2. Senior Board Presentation. Senior Exhibition will be during the first week of April and held in the Mashpee High School cafeteria from 6PM to 8PM.

Students should have the following items on poster board:

  • · Title of Project
  • · Name
  • · Reason why you chose this project
  • · Ten or more key points students learned in research
  • · Thoroughly explain/or display physical project
  1. Students are encouraged to be colorful and creative in his/her poster.
  2. Students are required to have his/her chromebook with their website being displayed by the poster during exhibition night.
  3. Students are required to dress in appropriate dress clothes (NO JEANS) slacks and a nice shirt.
  4. Arrive between 5:30-5:45 to set up the board display. It is good to be early in case a student forgets something, or technology is not working properly. This gives a window to solve any problems that might arise.
  5. Students will be asked questions by other teachers, administrators and guests who will be walking around. Students should be polite and professional, and working on your presentation skills.
  6. Students should properly invite their mentors to come for the evening, but mentors are not required to attend. However, Senior Exhibition Night does help a mentor learn more about the student overall.

Students will be given TWO grades for the evening:

1. Attendance: If a student attends, the student receives a 100, and if a student does NOT attend, he or she will receive a zero for the attendance grade.

2. Poster Board/Presentation: Students will be graded on his/her poster as well their presentation

If a student decides not to attend, he/she will be receiving two zero grades.

Students must stay for the duration of the evening