Planning for your future

“College is a match to be made, not a prize to be won”

The reality of college admissions today is that is has evolved into a complex, competitive, and intimidating venture. While the competitiveness is something over which we have little control, the process need not be either complex or intimidating. The college search can be seen as a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge is to identify and secure the best possible "match" between each student's personality and credentials and his or her college choices. The college search should be an educational process in which students learn to take an active role in determining their future, to make mature self-assessments, and to develop sound decision-making skills that will serve them well both now and in their year's beyond Mashpee Middle High School.

At Mashpee Middle High School, it is our goal to provide you with the tools and resources that will guide you to the right match in choosing a college.