
Your Senior Seminar Project Portfolio is a collection of all the documents in support of your journey throughout the Senior Project, as well as your growth from the previous three years. It is the concrete evidence the panel, mentors, and teachers will review in order to get a sense of your project before you make Senior Project Presentation. On the day of your presentation, the review board may refer to your portfolio when asking questions about your project.

Your portfolio may well be the review board’s first contact with you, so take care that your portfolio reflects a polished, finished product. Make sure that your documents are clean, edited, and typed. A table of contents is a way to make your portfolio “user friendly.”

Digital Portfolio

I. Physical Project Information (Folder)

A. Letter of Intent (Addressed to Mentors)

B. Proposal Phase 1Form

C. Proposal Phase 2 Form

D. Parent Liability Release Form

E. Interview Form and Questions (must interview one person)

F. Physical Project Task Analysis Form

G. Mentor Background Form

H. Reviewer Verification Forms (verifying you met with mentor)

I. Field Work Log (signed by your mentor)

J. 3 pieces of Project Evidence (pictures, charts, items created for field work, etc)

II. Research Paper (Folder)

A. Research Paper (Final Draft)

B. Research Paper (First Draft)

C. Research Paper Rubric with Comments

D. Running Bibliography (24 sources)

E. 10 printed articles used in final Research Paper

F. Source Logs (10 for CP & 20 for Honors)

III. Presentation (Folder)

A. Choices Challenges Changes Essay (CCC) & CCC Reflection

B. Love Poem & Love Poem Reflection & Love Poem Rubric

C. Song Lyrics, Song Lyric Reflection, Song Lyric Rubric

D. Commercial, Commercial Reflection, Commercial Rubric

E. Persuasive Outline, Persuasive Reflection, Persuasive Rubric

F. Country Paper, Country Power Point, Country Reflection, Country Rubric

G. Research Background Presentation Power Point, Research Pres Reflection, RRubric

H. Preliminary Project Presentation Power Point, PPP Reflection, PPP Rubric

I. Final Project Power Point, Final Project Reflection, Final Project Rubric

IV.Self Discovery (Folder)

A. College Essay

B. College/Career Paper

C. Resume

D. Community Service Log

V: Reflection Reports (R2’s) (Folder)

A.Weekly R2’s (Total of 33 for the year)

B. Journal Entries (Honors Only)


Students will create a website reflecting the work they are performing on their Senior Project. The Website should have the following criteria:

  • Home Page: This page should introduce the senior project as well as yourself. Should have a brief explanation of the project and what is your inspiration to do this project. In addition you should tell the audience a little about yourself and what you want to do in the future.
  • Research: This page should display what you learned during the research process about your project as well as a list of the sources you used.
  • Physical Project: This page should display evidence of the finish product of your project. (Pictures, videos, recordings, logged hours, timeline)
  • Mentor: This page should introduce your mentors. Should explain who your mentors are and why you chose them as your mentors.