MQCC NodeName™ Addressing of Network Node Organizations (NNO™) & Channel Distribution: OPERATOR & USER

OPERATOR: MQCC™ Global Country Network GCN™ System-Network OPERATOR, Internet Interface BlockChain (IIBC™ ) NodeName™ Addressing (NNA™) & Channel Distribution

NodeName™ Addressing (NNA™); MQCC System-Network™ OPERATOR NODE™

An MQCC™ NodeName™ Address connects the RBC™ root-BlockChain to the general population of actual and potential users through a MQCC Connected™ Channel Distribution System

MQCC NodeName™ Addressing

USER: MQCC™ Global Country Network GCN™ System-Network USER, NodeName™ Addressing; BlockChain-Crypto Global Access Channel Distribution at an Organization Level

NodeName™ Addressing (NNA™) BlockChain-Crypto Channel Distribution; MQCC GLOBAL END-USER ACCESS to an Organization subject to Level; MQCC System-Network™ USER ACCESS CHANNEL DISTRIBUTION NODE™ (UACDN™)

BlockChain-Crypto Global Access Channel Distribution at an Organization Level connects the RBC™ root-BlockChain to the general population of actual and potential users based upon the BlockChain-Integrated (BCI™) Public Domain Address (PDA™); subject to the level of the organization: Parent or Operator (division, sub-organization)

USER: MQCC NodeName™ Addressing for MQCC™ Global Country Network GCN™ System-Network USER