RBC™ Root-BlockChains Assignment

RBC™ Root-BlockChains Assignment

MQCC™ operates and maintains the global registry of assigned RBC™ (root-blockchains); to those organizations (organization or individual OIN™) that maintain necessary and sufficient standards as evidenced by continuous internal monitoring, internal audit and external audit by third-party Accredited Class® (www.accreditedclass.com) auditors. These assigned RBC™ (root-BlockChains) operate within the universe of network of interconnected and independent (federated/decentralized/distributed) nodes of the MQCC Global Country Network™ and MQCC Universe™.

The goal is two-fold:

1 - Network Operator Control

2 - User Accountability

RBC™ Root-BlockChains Assignment

MQCC™ Global Country Network GCN™: System-Network Operator

MQCC™ RBC™ Root-BlockChains Zone (RBC-Z™)

  • The root is the upper-most part of the RBC™ root-BlockChains hierarchy, also known as a “top-level BlockChain”, which are the last segment of a Quantum-Unified BlockChain Name (QUBCN™); also known by its trademark source identifier brand name: the MQCC™ NodeName™.

  • Example of a zone is root-blockchain.com

Root BlockChain Zones RBC-Z™

MQCC™ RBC™ Root-BlockChains Assigned

  • An authoritative public list of some RBC™ Root-BlockChains and their Certificate names, include the following:

RBC™ Root-BlockChains Assigned

MQCC™ Global Country Network GCN™: USER Accountability; Level 3 Domain Name Prefix

An Evolution in Global Accountability:

MQCC™ RBC™ Root-BlockChains; International Industry Sector-Based Accountability (IISBA™) Integrated Subdomain Designation

Network (IISBA.net™)

Level 3 Domain Name; Subdomain Prefix

  • A designated subdomain (Level 3 Domain Name) prefix is applied to an assigned Root-BlockChain, based upon the primary industry sector - an Industry Sector Prefix (ISP™) - in which an organization (organization or individual OIN™) functions.

  • MQCC™ uses the United Nations International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev.4

RBC™ Root-BlockChains IISBA™ SubDomain Designation

MQCC™ Global Country Network GCN™: USER & Organization Traceability; Level 4 Domain Name Prefix

An Evolution in Global Traceability:

MQCC™ RBC™ Root-BlockChains; MQCC Country Code™ (MQCC2™) Electronic MQCC™ User & Organization Traceability (EMQUOTE™) Integrated Subdomain Designation

Network (EMQUOTE.net™)

Level 4 Domain Name; Subdomain Prefix

  • Once an Organization or Individual (OIN™) is assigned an industry sector (Level 3 Domain Name) prefix, accountability is extended with traceability with assignment of a legal-political-social-economic-geographic identifier (Location Identity) named by the term: MQCC Country Code™; a Level 4 Domain Name, subdomain prefix.

  • Country Codes are determined by the International Organization for Standardization ISO 3166 Country Codes.

  • MQCC™ uses BOTh 3-digit alphabetical codes AND 3-digit numeric codes. 99.999% of the time alphabetical codes are used in order to keep it easy for lay users of the MQCC™ Global Country Network™ GCN™ system-network to visually identify the country name (versus a 3 digit code, which is very ambiguous).

RBC™ Root-BlockChains; MQCC Country Code™ (MQCC2™) Electronic MQCC™ User & Organization Traceability (EMQUOTE™) Integrated Subdomain Designation

MQCC™ Global Country Network GCN™: USER & Organization MQCC™ Fully Qualified (Accountable & Traceable) BlockChain NodeName™ Address; Level 5 Domain Name Prefix

An Evolution in Global Accountability and Traceability:

MQCC™ RBC™ Root-BlockChains; MQCC™ Fully Qualified (Accountable & Traceable) BlockChain NodeName™ (FQBCNN™) Integrated Subdomain Designation

Address (root-blockchains.net)

Level 5 Domain Name; Subdomain Prefix

  • Once an Organization or Individual (OIN™) is:

    • (1) assigned an Industry Sector Prefix (ISP™), Level 3 Domain Name, subdomain prefix; and

    • (2) assigned a MQCC Country Code™, a Level 4 Domain Name, subdomain prefix.

  • Then they may create their MQCC™ Fully Qualified (Accountable & Traceable) BlockChain NodeName™ Address which consists of the addition of a Level 5 Domain Name; namely, the legal name of the company in a single word (or hyphenated sequence to avoid confusion with similar named legal entities).

  • the Level 4 Domain Name subdomain must use wording that traces back to the legal name or legal trade name or registered trademark name of the primary operating entity .

USER: MQCC NodeName™ Addressing for MQCC™ Global Country Network GCN™ System-Network USER