Welcome to the home of:

Bungay International Technology Conformity of Organization and Individual Network: BITCOIN™ 

brand of Advertising and Business Services; Computer and Scientific Services  


Welcome to MQCC® Bungay International Technology Conformity of Organization and Individual Network: BITCOIN™

brand of Advertising and Business Services; Computer and Scientific Services

What MQCC® Bungay International Technology Conformity of Organization and Individual Network: BITCOIN™ Offers:

Get started with MQCC® Bungay International Technology Conformity of Organization and Individual Network: BITCOIN™  brand of advertising and business services today; contact info@mqcc.org.

MQCC® Bungay Logic and Order Conformity Kernel; Cyber/non-cyber Harmonized Artificial/non-artificial Intelligent Network: BLOCKCHAIN™ brand of Advertising and Business Services

Built on:


brand of goods and services

MQCC® Bungay Logic and Order Conformity Kernel; Cyber/non-cyber Harmonized Artificial/non-artificial Intelligent Network: BLOCKCHAIN™ 

 Thematic Headings of Available Advertising and Business Services; Computer and Scientific Services

Total Quality Management

Audit Support Services

Business Auditing, Compliance Auditing, Regulatory Conformity Assessment Services

Mortgage and Financial Compliance and Financial Record Keeping Services

Get started with MQCC® Bungay International Technology Conformity of Organization and Individual Network: BITCOIN™  brand of advertising and business services today; contact info@mqcc.org.

Presentation Services

Business Audits in the field of Communications

Insurance Claims Auditing

Computer Services; Computer Rental Services; Computer Programming

Get started with MQCC® Bungay International Technology Conformity of Organization and Individual Network: BITCOIN™  brand of advertising and business services today; contact info@mqcc.org.

Customer Satisfaction Measurment Services

Real Estate Transaction Auditing Services

Software Services and Software Development Services

Employee Incentive Award Program Services

Get started with MQCC® Bungay International Technology Conformity of Organization and Individual Network: BITCOIN™  brand of advertising and business services today; contact info@mqcc.org.

Powered by Quality™


What is quality? 

In commerce (day-to-day business activities; marketplace), quality is the distinction that distinguishes your goods and services from the marketplace. The better your goods and services safely meet your customer requirements, the better the quality. 

Poor Quality: 

An Existential Problem for an Organization CEO (Chief Executive Officer), Top Management and Investors:

Many organizations who provide goods and services in the marketplace claim to have better (or high) quality goods and services than their competitors yet sometimes, when customers receive the purchased (and paid for) goods or services, the actual goods and services do meet the customer's expectation or do not conform the standard set by the marketing department advertising or the display model.  This failure to meet expectations creates major problems for an organization's CEO, Top Management and Investors because the organization loses value in the form of:

Great Quality:

POWERED BY BLOCKCHAIN™ Brand of Quality Management Services

Developed by Anoop Bungay, the Founder of MQCC® between August 14, 2001 to April 9, 2005 to May 9, 2008 to present day and beyond, the POWERED BY BLOCKCHAIN™ Brand of Quality Management Services assures an Organization/s CEO, Top Management, Investors and their Customers, that the Goods and Services provided by the Organization of high quality and conform to customer requirements and expectations.

MQCC® and You

POWERED BY BLOCKCHAIN™ Brand of Quality Management Services for Government, Industry and Consumers

Since before incorporation, September 16, 2006, MQCC® helps organizations world-wide, with developing high-quality managed business processes that reduce errors, increase profits and assure a continuous state of conformity to statutory, regulatory, customer and quality requirements; across all divisions of an organization and across all levels: governance, management and operational; at a strategic, operations and tactical function; at a short-term, medium-term and long-term, temporal scale

MQCC® POWERED BY BLOCKCHAIN™ quality management service provider team is the state-of-the-science and state-of-the-art world leader in commercial application of quality management principles and information technology (IT); integrating the latest, tested, proven and trusted principles, concepts and core processes borne of non-novel (exact) conformity science (www.conformity.org)

MQCC® POWERED BY BLOCKCHAIN™ service is built on standards trusted by the United States Department of Defense (DOD); United States General Services Administration (GSA) and the United States, National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA), since at least as early as May 9, 2008. 

MQCC® 23+ years of commercially proven goods and service, identified as: SAFE, RELIABLE, GOOD; BETTER, SAFER AND MORE EFFICIENT™. MQCC® is YOUR PIONEERING MARKET LEADER in risk-based computer and scientific enterprise solutions for regulated and non-regulated (free-trading) organizations, providing pan-functional, cross-cutting, pan-discipline solutions.

MQCC® POWERED BY BLOCKCHAIN™ Quality Management Services 

MQCC® offers its bespoke (custom-tailored), full-suite POWERED BY BLOCKCHAIN™ (BUNGAY LOGIC AND ORDER CONFORMITY KERNEL; CYBER/NON-CYBER HARMONIZED ARTIFICIAL/NON-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT NETWORK: BLOCKCHAIN™) brand of exclusive, multi-function utility, computer and scientific enterprise solutions for regulatory, regulated and non-regulated (free-trading) organizations, world-wide. MQCC® is proven to provide you the highest level of safety through quality by its continuous registration to US, UK and Canada Federal recognized  (de jure) National Standards, namely, ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015; since at least as early as May 9, 2008.

GET STARTED WITH MQCC® POWERED BY Quality™ Quality Management Services TODAY!

Email info@mqcc.org to get started today.

Please provide your jurisdiction-of-residence (where do you pay income taxes); full name, your organization details (name, address, country); and a narrative summary of how MQCC® might able to help you achieve your objective.


MQCC® POWERED BY BLOCKCHAIN™ quality management service is like no other available in the marketplace. Applying correct and principles of non-novel (exact) conformity science, the POWERED BY BLOCKCHAIN™ brand of quality management services offer you an unlimited scope of application-in-commerce, on a pan-industry sector, cross-cutting, pan-functional basis. 

MQCC® POWERED BY BLOCKCHAIN™ Quality Management Services

If you are new to MQCC® and not familiar with the wide spectrum of functionality and utility benefit of the MQCC® POWERED BY BLOCKCHAIN™ Quality Management Services, please some of the turnkey-offerings (i.e.: available immediately) of MQCC® POWERED BY BLOCKCHAIN™ Quality Management Services

GET STARTED WITH MQCC® POWERED BY Quality™ Quality Management Services TODAY!

Email info@mqcc.org to get started today.

Please provide your jurisdiction-of-residence (where do you pay income taxes); full name, your organization details (name, address, country); and a narrative summary of how MQCC® might able to help you achieve your objective.