Click here  for the online form 'Appreciating Biodiversity Around Me'  for uploading photographs of plants and animals in your neighbourhood. Top entries from pupils will be rewarded each month.

Westwood Primary School takes pride in providing a thriving habitat for a variety of flora and fauna. We have a large variety of plants that attract many types of fauna indeed. Through discovery learning lessons in school, students can be actively involved in the learning process which helps with their motivation and creativity.Our future generations must continue to appreciate the fact that mankind, plants, animals and all other organisms share this earth and we need to 'live and let-live'. We need to protect the diversity of species on Earth at all costs as it is the planet's greatest resource .

We have been archiving the photographs and videos of the different fauna that have been spotted at Westwood Primary. It gives us great joy to feature them on this website for the benefit of all stakeholders.All photographs have been taken at Westwood Primary School and are thus the intellectual property of the school. The specific information for reference has been taken from SGBioAtlas and Wikipedia.

Click the drop-down arrows at the top of the  page for the photographs and information about various organisms. It is often challenging to take good photographs of organisms as they tend to hide away when they sense the slightest intrusion by people. Nevertheless, we will continue to persevere to archive as many new species as possible. May biodiversity continue to thrive at Westwood Pri.

'We did not inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrowed it from our children.'  

Lester Brown

last updated on 8 March 2024