Drama CLub

For those who want to explore their more theatrical side, the drama club is for you! The drama club is the combination of effort from actors, crew members, and musicians that come together to put on a stage production. While it's hard work to put everything together, nothing is more satisfying than when the final product comes together on stage. Ella Barbaric, actress in the upcoming fall play describes the satisfaction that comes with being on stage. “Putting yourself out there and working hard on a show can be tough, but in the end, getting to show everyone what you're capable of is so worth it and freeing. The feeling of pride you get when all your hard work pays off is amazing and you'll meet so many amazing people to share the experience with.”

Photo of Something Rotten Rehearsal with Trynter Styles and Ensemble taken by Natalie Falkosky

This year's lineup includes two plays and a musical. The fall play, The Play That Goes Wrong follows the production or the play within a play, The Murder at Haversham Manor. Nothing seems to go right as the set falls apart, and people forget their lines. 

The Brothers Grimm Spectacular, the underclassman play, put a clever spin on the classic folk tales from the Brothers Grimm. The play attempts to combine all 209 Grimm folk tales into one story. Auditions took place on August 28th and 29th.

Finally, the highly anticipated spring musical, The Prom. The musical was recently adapted into a Netflix movie adaptation. Auditions will take place in late November, and all of these productions will have crew opportunities available. 

Keeping the tradition of theater alive in our school is important for the actors and crew. Rose Dove, returning cast and crew member, states that on-stage productions “tell stories and teach lessons that are often very in tune with things most people experience. Allowing high schoolers to learn these lessons and watch these shows is in my mind quite beneficial for them.” For as long as dedicated individuals are willing to put the work in to entertain others, the drama scene at MHS will thrive. 

Photo of Something rotten dress rehearsal taken by Natalie Falkosky.