Medina High School's student newspaper since 1941 

People in the halls! 

by Grace Gaspar & Lark Oehler

What are you looking forward to in summer?

Sarah Wilson 9th grade- "School volleyball" 

Leah Medley 9th - "Sleeping" 

Chase Martineau 10th- "Hanging out with friends" 

Olivia Taylor 9th- "Softball" 

Ryan Aller 10th- "Sleeping in" 

Mr. Oehler- "Lake Erie, Boat" 

Mr. Brenner- "Not being here, gold, traveling" 

Konner Leyden 12th- "Golf with my friends" 

The Medinamite is produced by students at Medina High School who have committed to provide a platform for student expression through the newspaper. 

Student journalism offers a voice. The thoughts and ideas are our own, but in creating a student-run newspaper, choices are discussed. Mistakes are made. From all of this, our students regroup, problem solve, and revise. 

As you read through this edition, please know that we welcome your comments. You can contact our advisor at to express questions or concerns about the stories you read here. 

The Medinamite will accept submissions of letters to the editor, photo essays, or guest reporting from students and staff for consideration of publication based on news value and the availability of space. The Medinamite reserves the right to edit for length and clarity.