3/4Elm   Learning Update

Central idea: Literature can drive our appreciation of culture

The past week or so has seen the class writing an adventure narrative, based on an animated film called Ruin. The film sees the main character in an abandoned, overgrown city, when they are attacked by a helicopter and has to escape on a motorbike. The class used expanded noun phrases, adjectives and similes to describe the setting and character, and lots of exciting vocabulary to describe the chase. The stories they wrote were full of description and action!

In maths, we have been working on addition and subtraction. Year 4 have also been working on area. It has been challenging, remembering to exchange and when not to exchange, but the hard work on the part of each member of the class is definitely paying off.

The class have been working hard on their recorders. We have been practising Good King Wenceslas. It has been tricky for the class to get their fingers in the correct places for each note, but they have made great progress in time for the concert next week.

Year 3 have been enjoying their swimming lessons! They are very excited each Friday and return to school full of stories about what they have been up to.