Oak        Learning Update

Central idea:  Families can support the local community.

Over the last two weeks the children have been learning about how the church helps the community and families within Marden. Last week we went on a visit to the church to learn from Reverend Nicky the important role that the church plays within Marden, from organising messy play, coffee afternoons for the elderly and providing food donations for the local food bank. This learning has inspired the children to consider ways in which we can support the community and our families, particularly through growing our own food. This week we have been exploring how to grow food by planting seeds and identify what seeds need to be able to grow. We have also explored how to grow food from food scraps, such as the end of carrots and lettuce. The children have been preparing food and putting it in water and will continue this learning into next term as our vegetables begin to grow. This learning has inspired discussion about healthy eating and how to cook with vegetables and herbs that we are growing, which the children are excited to see grow in our early years garden. 

"The church helps the community by making a food bank. A food bank is where people go there to get food if they don't have any." - Jaxon

"The church help us by having singing club and they have a food bank for people that are a bit hungry." - Iris 

"I peeled the skin off the carrots. I'm going to grow new carrots." - Willow