3/4Cedar Learning Update

Central idea: Economic activities rely on systems of production, exchange and consumption.

We have had an exciting time in 3/4 Cedar! The children have really enjoyed finding out where the different items of their school uniform were made and what they are made from.  They then continued their inquiry by looking at how cotton is processed from plant to factory. We have also been looking at the distribution journey of chocolate from its raw state overseas to the bars we know and love! As part of our trade inquiry, the children have retold the tale of "The Little Shoemaker" in their own words and were very happy to share their work with each other for constructive feedback.

Our sunflower seeds have now sprouted and we have moved them on to the next stage by planting them outside. We thought it would be a great idea to sing to our budding sunflowers to encourage them to grow and we are hopeful that our voices will be inspirational!