6Elm      Learning Update

Central idea: Conflict shapes society.

The children came into school looking absolutely amazing on Monday and they were excited for our WWII workshops, which were being led by a lady called Gayle who works for Portals to the Past.  The day provided the children with an excellent opportunity to share their knowledge which they have built on the War, and to also learn many new facts and information which they didn't already know.  It was clear to see that the children were shocked by the amount of food and clothing that people were allowed during this time, due to rationing.  A highlight of the day was stretcher-bearing races out on the field which it is fair to say became quite competitive between the two classes! Potentially an idea for a new sports day race? 

The children have been working exceptionally hard in their writing lessons this week and they have managed to produce some well-written narratives.  As a stimulus for writing we used a clip called 'Beyond the Lines,' which they felt was very emotive and enabled them to imagine what life was like on the front line, as well as the impact that war has in the years that follow.  The children are keen to share these narratives with people at home, which I hope we will get to do.