1Willow Learning Update

Central idea: People need specific skills and qualities to do different jobs.

The past week we have reached our endpoint within our central idea for Module 5. The children decided which job they wished to research and created pictures, mind maps and information leaflets to inform their peers about the job that they had so carefully researched. We have spent a large portion of this week on Science. We have taken trips through the  rainforest and found ourselves deep in the snow with the polar bears! The children learned about the different environments animals can thrive in and what a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore eat. The children received a letter from space asking about what makes humans mammals! The children spent time planning and responding to this very exciting lesson.

As the weather gets warmer please make sure that your child comes to school with a water bottle and a sunhat everyday. Please remember to label all of your child's belongings to avoid them getting lost.