3Beech Learning Update

Central idea: Places can change as a result of human impact and organisations. 

In Inquiry, we have focused on the last line of inquiry, where we are looking at the effects of change on the people and the place. Therefore, the children have had their DT hats on and have been looking at everything we need to consider when building a housing estate (with the impact and effect in mind) The children have looked at forms of energy, mosaics/ interior design and then finally have designed their own housing estate in Marden. This is in preparation for when members of the council come back in and the children are going to deliver and persuade them that their housing estate should be built and explain the impact.

We have also produced opposing letters this week to SAVE PACKDEN HALL! The children were very invested in a letter I received about the hall discovered in our drama workshop earlier on in the term. The children wrote some fantastic letters to send to the council.

In maths we have continued looking at fractions, specifically adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.

The children enjoyed looking at the life cycle of a plant and are very proud of their sunflowers, which are continuing to grow!

On Thursday we had a fantastic time up at Marden cricket club where the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves learning new skills and having lots of fun!