Sports News

Upcoming Events

Friday 12th May - KS2 football v Coxheath, School Field

Monday 15th May - Wealden Sports Cricket, Dulwich

Thursday 18th May - KS2 Rounders, Greenfields

Monday 22nd May - LAT Cluster Mixed Netball Y5 & 6, Langley Park

Thursday 25th May - KS2 Visit to Marden Cricket Club

School Football Kit

Our school football kit is provided to our KS1 and KS2 football teams for tournaments and matches. We are still missing multiple items; our goalie is without their green socks! If your child has previously borrowed the kit, I ask that you have a check for any items and bring them to school - it will be greatly appreciated. In future, the kit must be returned, clean, within three school days. Thank you.